Hi! I'm Brandi.

I’m a photographer, environmentalists, amateur cook, craft beer enthusiast, harry potter lover, and Sonoma County native! I am very passionate about being an environmentalists, an I continued my upper education in Geography, Environment and Planning and graduated from Sonoma State University in May 2021. I was instantly drawn to the suns golden rays and natural tones that it eventually became my signature editing style. I love to incorporate gold in in every image I capture. In the photos shared on this page you will see my fiance, Mitchell. He has been a huge impact on my photography journey and we have been together for over 10 years.

Here are a few fun facts about me!

- I LOVE asian food, cooking and eating

-I'm a lefty, but do everything "regular"

-I'm absolutely obsessed with dogs. Mitchell and & have a fur baby of our own that we rescued, Tyson.

-I went to UH Maui and lived on the island

-I love to travel. My first international trip was to Thailand and I traveled solo and met up with a friend in the country (kinda crazy looking back at it now LOL)

-My favorite summer hobby is wake surfing

-Trader Joe's gnocchi will be one of my go-to's

-My favorite episodes of The Office is when Creed makes himself the manager & CPR training. I cry of laugher every time.

-I do not like pickles

-I shoot with Canon

-Summer will always be my favorite time of year

My photography journey

I grew up being obsessed with taking photos and loved the idea that you can capture a moment in time and give context to the image. When I was young I would beg my mom for a professional grade camera as a child (who would do that? Me. LOL). I purchased my first Canon (some Ti addition) in high school. I used it until it refused to turn on. Later as an adult, I moved to Maui with my boyfriend in July 2018 and became obsessed with the islands colors and its natural golden tones. I was convinced that NEEDED a professional grade camera to capture the islands beauty. Since then I spent every waking moment educating myself all things photography and fell more in love. This is where my professional practice began and eventually launched my business in February 2021. 

Photos by Victoria Beardslee photo & Amy Debonis Photo


Parker & Michelle

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"Brandi was super professional, easy going, and made sure that we were comfortable during the session. She was great at giving directions on how to pose and had inspiration for the shoot! My partner and I had an amazing time! I can't wait to book another shoot."

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Feel free to reach out via email for further booking questions!